Prandelli abroad. In the last 5 years, Prandelli has gone from 60% foreign sales in 2016 to over 70% in 2021, and the percentage is continuously increasing. The distribution of Prandelli-branded piping and fittings is increasingly synonymous with safety and reliability, even abroad. Prandelli’s clients are mainly distributors, some with exclusivity, construction companies and large installation companies who find in our “Made in Italy” products the performing solution they require. The success of Prandelli's products abroad also lies in the great work done by our Prandelli Polska branch (Poland) and the Coprax Comèrcio subsidiary (Portugal).
Prandelli in Italy. Today, Prandelli supplies numerous distributors and wholesalers at national level supported by the constant and continuous commitment of numerous local agents. The Italian market has always been the preferential laboratory for Prandelli Spa’s sales initiatives.